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Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II

Technical Specification | Latest Prices

Product Overview

The Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens is Canon's bargain Lens.


This is the lightest EF lens of all at a mere 130g, very compact and providing a high-performance for a standard lens. Its Gaussian optics provide sharp delineation from near to far focusing distances. The color balance is excellent for a standard lens.

The Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens is about as cheap as you can get a lens for - and this is a good lens. It is very sharp, tiny and light - possibly the lightest lens Canon makes. And with an f1.8 aperture, this Canon 50 is quite fast.

Sharpness performance wide open (f/1.8) is decent, but the Canon 50 f/1.8 is very sharp at f/2.8 and beyond. It is slightly sharper than even then Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM Lens.

The Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens' biggest drawback in my opinion is the sometimes poor looking bokeh (foreground/background blur quality) compared to the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM lens. The 50 f/1.5's 5-blade aperture is one of the corners cut to get to this price point - and is the cause of the sometimes-poor foreground/background blur quality.


  • Diagonal Angle of View: 46°

  • Lens Construction (elements/groups): 6/5

  • No. of Diaphragm blades: 5

  • Minimum Aperture: 22

  • Closest Focusing Distance (m): 0.45

  • Maximum Magnification (x): 0.15

  • AF Actuator: MM

  • Filter Diameter (mm): 52


Technical Specification
Angle of view (horzntl, vertl, diagnl) 40°, 27°, 46°
Lens construction
No. of diaphragm blades 5
Minimum aperture 22
Closest focusing distance (m) 0.45
Maximum magnification (x) 0.15
AF actuator Micro Motor
Filter diameter (mm) 52
Max. diameter x length (mm) 68.2 x 41
Weight (g) 130

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